President’s Message 2013 -Paradise Found

Paradise Found

As our second full year of the reconstituted Coronado Lawn Bowling Club comes to a close and we look eagerly to the future, we can feel comfortable with the progress that we have made in many areas.  Although this new Calendar reflects things to come, it is worthwhile to reflect for a moment on our accomplishments of 2012.

Although our club experienced the usual annual drop off of members like every other lawn bowling club throughout the U.S. and the world, we worked hard building back and focusing on adding members who bowl.  As a result, we have had greater numbers of bowlers bowling in our regular draw games and a record number of green uses as our members come out to practice.  We had nine club tournaments and three other social bowling events.  We hosted many visitors from other lawn bowling clubs here in California and from other states and countries.  We continued our Adult School, Middle School and Youth Recreation programs and hosted 16 nights of Twilight Open Bowling with a grand total of 331 attending.  We also hosted another great Rotary v. Optimist event that made local news. Finally, we hosted a very special drills training class featuring a Bowls Australia Accredited Coach, Deanna Amos, who helped many of us achieve a higher level of the sport.

As we look to the future, we are excited about the prospect of helping the City plan for a new facility at 7th & D that will accommodate proper space for our Club.  With that prospect, we really must keep in mind that we are the custodians of the Coronado City’s Green and that our agreement with the City states that the CLBC seeks to use the Green in a manner that will benefit the community through enhanced opportunities to play the game of Lawn Bowling.  The CLBC will continue to use the Green to conduct open play, social games, instruction, clinics, practice sessions, league competitions, visitations, tournaments and other related activities to promote the sport of Lawn Bowling.

The CLBC 2013 Calendar on the following pages provides the foundation for another fantastic year.  We hope that these activities will promote further growth and development of membership and will provide a “paradise found” on the green.

At the risk of repeating the obvious, remember that our Club is run solely by the hard work and efforts of our membership base, who serve as volunteers to carry out all aspects of the Club including the green maintenance.  In order to meet our commitments to the City and to maintain a strong organization, the Club needs EVERY member to give whatever they can:  TIME, special skills, ideas, and LEADERSHIP. As one member likes to say, “Many hands make light work.”

We thank Parks and Recreation Services Director, Linda Rahn, for everything that she has done for us; and Coronado Public Services Director, Matt Little, for continuing park maintenance. 

Sincerely,                                                                                                 CLBC Calendar Picture                                                            

Berie Grobe     

President, Coronado Lawn Bowling Club (2010-2012)                                                       

Benefitting the community through enhanced opportunities to play the game of Lawn Bowling

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