Growing & Having Fun
Greetings from the Coronado Lawn Bowling Club as we move into 2019 having had the largest growth spurt in Membership in a single year since the reconstituted CLBC of 2010! We have just completed an excellent year of social bowling, club tournaments, league bowling and Southwest Lawn Bowling Association events. We also celebrate the many members who use the green on their own. We are enjoying the new facilities at the John D. Spreckels Center that complement the lawn bowling green and provide our lovely new Green Room, Bowls room and storage room. The Center offers many additional enriching activities and we are grateful for the City of Coronado Recreation and Golf Services support.
The CLBC enjoys a number of social events in addition to our bowling schedule including our Tuesday Lunch Bunch on the initial Tuesday of each month, the Bias Box Gala that serves as our holiday party and the evenings in the summer during which we introduce lawn bowling to anyone interested.
I am proud to serve as the new President of the CLBC and look forward to greeting you on the Green!

Warmest regards,
Bill Lowman, President
Our Mission: Benefitting the community through enhanced opportunities to play the game of Lawn Bowling.
Free lessons for San Diego residents are available by appointment: Call 619 319-5509.