Charting Our Course
We survived and we thrived. Having moved all of our Club equipment and belongings into a modular shed and Members’ garages, we began our year of camping out at the green. We tolerated the new portable toilets that the City of Coronado provided and we gratefully received 8 gorgeous brand new shade umbrellas to protect us from sun and showers. Very quickly, we learned that the new facility had a new name: John D. Spreckels and Bowling Green. We were surprised and very happy that our green finally had a name. We settled into new routines and began having our scheduled Club Tournaments. Tournament Director, Betsy Gill, and Hospitality Team Captain, Carolyn Lowman, devised devilish and fun new ways to make our tournaments more fun than a barrel of monkeys. If we were going to be inconvenienced with no building, we were still going to have good times. President, Bob Grobe, worked hard to keep in touch with the Construction Supervisor so that we had minimal surprises and inconveniences. It was all a lot of hard work, but as the building finally began to rise from the foundations, we all knew that it was going to be worth it.
With some great assistance from the City of Coronado providing us with additional portable toilets and with tables and chairs, we managed to very successfully pull off our two major Southwest Lawn Bowling Tournaments. We also managed to have a fabulous and fruitful Twilight Open Bowling season which netted us 6 new members. Daily bowling went on as usual even though it was yet another VERY hot and sticky year.
And now, we look forward to charting a new course as we become an integral part of the John D. Spreckels Center and Bowling Green. Not only do we want to continue to keep our Club the successful club it has grown to be, but also, we want to work hand in hand with the City of Coronado making the Spreckels Center the last jewel in the City’s crown. We have one appointed member on the Spreckels Center Advisory Committee which will also be charting the course for the Center as a whole.
We have once again planned to have eight club tournaments, two Southwest tournaments, socials and Twilight Open Bowling. We continue our free lessons and our recruitment efforts as always. We do believe that the new facility will attract many new potential lawn bowlers and members for our club..

As I return to the Presidency after 4 years of rest, I am honored and pleased to be the Captain of our ship once again as we chart the new course. I will continue to work hard to make our Club the best and the happiest lawn bowling club anywhere in the world.
Best regards,
Berie Grobe
Berie Grobe
President, Coronado Lawn Bowling Club
Benefitting the community through enhanced opportunities to play the game of Lawn Bowling
San Diego County Residents Free Lessons by Appointment
Call: 619-319-5509 www.coronadolawnbowling.com