So very much has happened in the Coronado Lawn Bowling Club in the 21 months since the dedication of the new championship quality green on March 17, 2010. We will forever be grateful to Bill Hiscock and the many people who assisted him in “building it so we could come.” And now, we begin our second FULL year as the reconstituted Coronado Lawn Bowling Club (CLBC).
The President’s Report in December 2010 stated the goals for 2011 as follows: “Overall goal is to maintain a Club that serves the desires and needs of all members, is consistent with the goals of the Coronado Parks and Recreation Services Department, and that increases and retains members.” Additional goals included the maintenance of the world class green, development of participation in Leagues and Tournaments at all levels and interaction with other clubs. Much of that has been accomplished but the overriding goal was and is, in the words of one member, “to rival Disneyland in making this Club the happiest place on earth” for each and every member.
As we look to the future, we must also always keep in mind that we are the custodians of the Coronado City’s Green and that our agreement with the City states that the CLBC seeks to use the Green in a manner that will benefit the community through enhanced opportunities to play the game of Lawn Bowling. The CLBC agreed to use the Green to conduct open play, social games, instruction, clinics, practice sessions, league competitions, visitations, tournaments and other related activities to promote the game of Lawn Bowling.
The CLBC 2012 Calendar on the following pages seeks to live up to our end of the bargain. The Board of Directors has been listening to members and planning activities and events that seem to meet the varying needs and desires, while also living up to our commitment to benefit the community through enhanced opportunities to play the game of lawn bowling. The calendar will also permit our Members to plan their own calendar of events and activities within the Club.
Our Club is run solely by the hard work and efforts of our membership base, who serve as volunteers to carry out all aspects of the Club including the green maintenance. In order to meet our commitments to the City and to maintain the happiest place on earth, the Club needs EVERY member to give what they can: time, special skills, ideas, and leadership.
We thank Parks and Recreation Services Director, Linda Rahn, for everything that she has done and plans to do for us; Coronado Public Services Director, Scott Huth and Parks Lead Worker, Ricky Fernandez for park maintenance; Senior Association President, Bob Fitzharris, for his absolute cooperation; and the Senior Center Staff, Linda Ferguson and Rick Burnett, for countless hours of assistance with events.
Sincerely, Berie Grobe
President, Coronado Lawn Bowling Club
Benefiting the community through enhanced opportunities to play the game of Lawn Bowling
San Diego County Residents Free Lessons by Appointment Call: 619-319-5509